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Force majeure: delays in deliveries due to forest fires

Dawn after another night in the woods, one of several forest fires I've been to this week.

Share on FacebookShare on WhatsAppShare on TelegramShare on X (Twitter)Sverige brinner, och min hembygd är inget undantag. Jag har sen i söndags tillbringat mer tid till skogs än hemma i egenskap av deltidsbrandman, vilket påverkar mina övriga åtaganden. Jag ber därför ödmjukt er som handlat i Allmogens […]

Sweden is on fire, and my hometown is no exception. Since last Sunday, I have spent more time in the forest than at home as a part-time firefighter, which affects my other commitments.

I therefore humbly ask you who have acted in Allmogens e-shop recently to allow for slightly longer delivery times. Deliveries should resume next week, but may be affected until we get a good summer rain. If you can't or don't want to wait that long, you are of course welcome to cancel your purchase by contact me.

My thoughts go out to you in the rescue service, home guard, fire guard and all you other fantastic volunteer fighters who are making an effort in the scorching heat to fight the flames around Sweden.

All credit to you!

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