"What 12 peasants cannot do, 12,000 can do."

The words are written in Vilhelm Moberg's fantastic novel "Ride in the Night!", and put a finger on the strength that comes from organisation. Together we can move mountains, and do amazing things to preserve our Swedish history and the knowledge of our old Nordic culture, our traditions and the Swedish peasant freedom - our roots.

Become one of Allmogens Friends today

Som månadsgivare bidrar du med 2 crowns a day to the preservation of our fathers' memories - for future generations Välj om du vill skänka gåvan årsvis (730 kr) eller månadsvis (60 kr).

730 kr / year 60 kr / month

Månadsvis gåva förnyas automatiskt. Du kan när som helst ändra eller avsluta din löpande donation på sidan My account. It is also possible to make a one-off gift or bequeath to Allmogens.

Every penny that is raised goes to continue and expand the Allmogens arbete med att bevara och föra vidare kunskapen om den svenska allmogens historia, kultur och frihetsarv – och till praktiskt arbete med att bevara svenska lantraser såsom den utrotningshotade fjällkon och allmogefår.

Hi! My name is Daniel Sjöberg and at the end of 2015 I initiated this public education project that aims to keep the memory of our ancestors alive. The project was then called Project Moberg and was named after one of my great role models, the libertarian soul Vilhelm Moberg - one of our greatest writers, angriest social critics and foremost popular depictors of the life and struggle for freedom of the common people in Sweden through the centuries.

Today the project lives on under the name Allmogens, but the goal is the same: to bring to life and pass on knowledge of our Swedish history and our ancient peasant culture - a culture founded on the Swedish peasant freedom whose roots spread down into the Nordic jungle all the way back to the grey ancient times.

I would like to invite you here and now who value your roots to become one of Allmogens Friends som månadsgivare och därmed stötta vårt fria och oberoende folkbildningsarbete om vår svenska historia och nordiska kultur. Vår arbete grundar sig i en oerhörd vördnad till, och tacksamhet för, de otaliga generationer som levt innan oss i det vi idag kallar Sverige och Norden.

A reverence for ordinary people. Those who cleared the Swedish primeval forest, those who ploughed the earth and sowed the fields, those who were forced to mix bark in their bread when food was not enough, those who starved, froze and fought against the barren Nordic nature, those who were forced to die on the battlefields in the countless wars of the superiors, those who were survived all this. Our ancestors.

You and I both know that we must cherish, protect and value both our history and our heritage - if we want to keep them. At this critical juncture in our history, when so much is taken for granted, you as a member are making a significant contribution to our ability to do so. What 12 farmers can't do, 12,000 can.

Som en av Allmogens Friends bidrar du med 2 kronor om dagen till det ideella arbetet med att bevara våra förfäders minnen genom Allmogens oberoende och fria folkbildningsarbete. 2 kronor om dagen för dina förfäder – och dina efterkommande.

But of course the most important thing for you is the knowledge that you are actively contributing to preserving the memory of your ancestors and enriching our society with a better understanding of our history and our cultural roots.

Jag hoppas att du accepterar den här inbjudan att bli månadsgivare. Det kommer att betyda mycket för vårt arbete om du gör det, och vi är säkra att det kommer betyda mycket även för dig.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Best regards,
Daniel Sjöberg, Allmogens founder

The history of our commonwealth bears witness to the value which the peoples of the earth placed on freedom; it is the history of struggles and sacrifices of life in the cause of its preservation.

Vilhelm Moberg / Author

Bli månadsgivare idag

Som en av Allmogens Friends bidrar du med 2 crowns a day to the preservation of our fathers' memories. Choose whether you want to pay the membership fee annually (730 SEK) or monthly (60 SEK).

730 kr / year 60 kr / month

Monthly support membership is automatically renewed. You can of course cancel or change your membership at any time for any reason, on the My account.