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Get 10% discount on Allmogens almanac 2017

Allmogens almanac

Share on FacebookShare on WhatsAppShare on TelegramShare on X (Twitter)Nu är februari här, eller Göjemånad som månaden kallades i den gammelnordiska kalendern. Än står en kartong här på högkvarteret med en bunt Allmogens almanackor som väntar på nya ägare, men nu när 8% av året har passerat […]

Now February is here, or Goat month as the month was called in the Old Norse calendar. There's still a box here at headquarters with a bundle Allmogens almanacs waiting for new owners, but now that 8% of the year has passed, it doesn't feel right to take full price.

That's why from today you get 10% discount on your purchase of Allmogens almanac. I have also arranged that if you buy 3 or more almanacs, you will receive an additional 20% discount on the entire purchase.

The Allmogens almanac was created to give those of you who appreciate the work of Project Moberg an opportunity to show your support. Your collective support, the support of the general public, allows Project Moberg to continue to develop and do even more, but above all it allows Project Moberg to reach out to more people.

In January alone, Project Moberg reached 73,527 people in Sweden through paid advertisements. Most days, over 10,000 citizens see an update from Projekt Moberg. You make it possible.

Let's make 2017 the year when the history of the people takes its rightful place in history. Buy Allmogens almanacyou help bring the dead back to life.

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