Häxberget in Torsåker

Häxberget in Torsåker
Häxberget on the border between the parishes of Torsåker, Ytterlännäs and Dal. Photo: Daniel Sjöberg / Allmogen.org (CC BY-SA)

At Häxberget in Torsåker, Ångermanland, 71 women, men and children were murdered by the state church on 1 June 1675. The alleged crime: Witchcraft.

On 1 June 1675, the witch trial in Torsåker, Ångermanland, culminated in the beheading and burning at the stake of 71 innocent people from the local community. Häxberget or Bålberget which then lay on the border between Torsåker, Dal and Ytterlännäs parishes.

The witch trial in Torsåker was the biggest witch trial during the witch hysteria The big noise which took place in Sweden in 1668-1676. Every fifth woman in Torsåker, Dal and Ytterlännäs parishes was murdered on this mountain. 65 women, 2 men and 4 boys.

Read more about the witch trial in Torsåker, and join us when Expedition Allmogen followed in the footsteps of the murdered:

Getting there

On the road south of Häxberget there is a parking space and a sign saying "Häxberget" pointing up to a path. Walk the easy path a few hundred metres up the mountain where you will find the memorial stone.

Coordinates: Latitude 63.0497552 | Longitude 17.685087100000032

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