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May be welcome

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1952: Unknown woman picking coltsfoot, probably in Uppland. Photo: Uppsala-Bild / Upplandsmuseet (CC BY-NC-ND)

Folk music group Ranarim welcomes spring with the song May be welcome on Ulvön, Ångermanland, April 30, 2008.

In the Old Norse calendar, this month was called the month of leaves or the month of flowers. I picked my first coltsfoot last week, but it is now in May that nature really comes to life. Finally!

Here's a nice song that I kicked off the flower month with. Ranarim, who performed the song at Lotsberget on Ulvön 10 years ago, consisted of Sofia Sandén, Ulrika Bodén, Niklas Roswall (nyckelharpa), Daniel Ek (guitar), and Christian Svensson (drums).

Now we carry May in our village and praise it with songs new
Now winter's compulsion out of the country is and leaves and grass so green now are
The sweet sound of the little lark is now booming with lovely song
Grant us a bountiful year preserving both house and farm

At the same gig on Ulvön the equally beautiful Home again.

May be welcome
1952: Unknown woman picking coltsfoot, probably in Uppland. Photo: Uppsala-Bild / Upplandsmuseet (CC BY-NC-ND)

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