Category Archives: Kultur

Articles about our cultural heritage and our Swedish and Nordic culture

13 beautiful cultural reserves from all over Sweden

There are currently 45 cultural reserves in Sweden - a wide variety of particularly valuable cultural [...]

Carl Larsson (1853-1919) - One of our most popular artists

Carl Larsson (1853-1919) is perhaps our most popular artist and one of the world's greatest watercolourists. [...]

A cultural and historical discovery in Hälsingland

The town of Bollnäs in Hälsingland is surrounded by a vibrant cultural and historical landscape and is a good [...]

Grow flax with me this summer

The 1 sqm flax project started in Västra Götaland in spring 2020. This year the project has become [...]

The art of woodturning a bowl

Karl-Åke Karlsson's speciality is the spinning of beautiful boxes with lids. In this video [...]

Three Swedish works of art with a special history

A country's art has a lot to say about its history and culture. Below are three [...]

Albertus Pictor - our foremost medieval artist

One of the 15th-century artists who left the strongest legacy in Sweden is Albertus Pictor (Albrekt Painter), [...]

Cultural and historical pearls of Tidan

The community of Tidan in western Sweden, with just under a thousand inhabitants, is perhaps unfamiliar to most people. [...]

A book "about how Sweden was - and can be again"

André Bellessort's book "Sweden" depicts the French writer's journey through Sweden in the first years [...]

Learn to weave baskets from spruce roots

Erna-Lill Lindén from Sörmland has been weaving baskets from spruce roots for almost 40 years. In the [...]