
1899: Kerstin Olsdotter from Mora as Lucia outside Oktorpsgården on Skansen. Photo: Edlund, Hélène Sofie / Nordic Museum (CC BY-NC-ND)

Poem about Lucia from Fridolin's visor, som utkom första gången 1898. Scrolla ner för vacker tonsättning av Sara Isaksson.

In the night trembling
the cold weather.
Steps I hear creaking
on the boards of the wind:
in white clothes
stood the manor girl,
with wax chandelier around the hair attached,
just at my camp and handed the tray
calmly in its purity to the aroused guest.

Now up to the vulture
in dark times!
With the tar flame
Lucia is leaving
in mourning and suffering.
In the door glistens
with the morning song my cheerful host
and brings word that the young daughter awaits
his late running buddy to festive ride.

In early winter
re'n the snow has fallen,
and the foot slips
on the frozen embankment,
and white stands the pine
like the silver stake
for the moon's splendid festive light,
and starflowers burning high above the roofs
on animal pens and human houses.

And the sled was ridden
with traps and blankets,
and harnessed ledes
from the cloverleaf
the racy jaw.
With joy we glide
through the shelter of sleeping forests.
Out of the hood it twinkles by my side
as a morning snack for a wonderful Christmas.

Beautiful composition by Sara Isaksson

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