Dalkarla song

Dalkarla song
1930s: the owner of the farm Ollas Per Persson and two boys at a hay harvest in Almo, Siljansnäs parish, Dalarna. Photo: Einar Erici / Swedish National Heritage Board

Poem written by the military man and member of parliament Gustaf Nyblæus (1816-1902) when he was a lieutenant in the Dal Regiment at Rommehed in 1840.

I know a country, way up in the high North
Not warm and rich as the fair lands of the South
But my heart is beating for the soil of my womb
And mandom lives on the green shores of Siljan
And forests rush there in gloomy splendour
And fireworks roar from region to region
A glorious land, you good Dalmatians!
And whoever saw it, he longs for it again

Well the north wind whines sometimes cold and hard
Beyond the steep halls of the naked mountain
But the same wind at Mora cemetery
Wrapped around the words of Vasa, and yet the skulls
Perhaps once a battle's joyous cry
From the free fighting hop of the Dalamanni
A glorious land, you brave Dalmatians!
And whoever saw it, he longs for it again

When the quicksand passes over the earth
And stirs up anger and hatred in the minds of brothers
A dalaman his peace at home has
And lives happily in his great memories
But if the battle is ever worth fighting
Then he dares his word and last(?) his sword
A glorious land, you strong Dalmatians!
And whoever saw it, he longs for it again

A toast, O brother, then to the good of Svea!
A toast to what you love Let's drink!
Fight for your country with life and soul
And faithful was your king and your girl
And when you last slumber in the temple of peace
Then may your dust rest in the Dalabygd
A glorious land, you faithful Dalmatians!
And whoever saw it, he longs for it again

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