New poems

New poems by Verner von Heidenstam

"The form is classically pure, simple and unadorned, often rhymeless and ostrophe-like, and expresses moods and thoughts of exalted serenity, of masculine seriousness and warm interiority"

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New Poems, published in 1915 by Bonniers, became Verner von Heidenstam's last collection of poems and is considered by many to be his greatest work.

The collection includes the poem suite "Ett folk", first published in Svenska Dagbladet on 22 September 1899.

New Poems is "a large-scale and powerful collection, whose oldest pieces are connected with Heidenstam's historical epic or Poems of 1895 (...) but whose younger poems belong to a later epoch. The form is classically pure, simple and unadorned, often rhymeless and ostrophe-like, and expresses moods and thoughts of exalted serenity, of manly seriousness and warm interiority, broad and bright humanity, the unworldly value of existence and the sadness of approaching the twilight of old age" (quote from Nordisk familjebok, vol. 36, (1924) "Heidenstam”).

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