A work dealing with folklore in Värend in southern Småland. Hyltén-Cavallius discusses, among other things, remnants of pagan cult and pagan beliefs.
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Wärend and Wirdarne. An attempt at Swedish Ethnology was published in two volumes in 1863 and 1868 by the folklorist Gunnar Olof Hyltén-Cavallius. It is considered to be his most important work and deals with folklore in Värend in southern Småland. In this first volume, Hyltén-Cavallius deals with, among other things, remnants of pagan cults and beliefs, which is why the work is often cited as evidence that the asatron, in a distorted form, has survived into modern times. The work was republished in 1921-1922 and 1972.
The .mobi and .epub files contain both volumes and were digitised by The Internet Archive. Eventually, Project Allmogen will improve the formatting.
"-eet land, som hetir Waerrend. - Thaer war
ok mykit got, swa as godh fiskewatn,
bi ok honagh, akir ok waena senghia, ok
thiokke skogha, - ok margahanda diwr within."
- Legenda S. Sigfridi.
Cap. I. Country and People
Cap. II. Pagan Cult
Cap. III. Pagan faith
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