Author Archives: Johan Magnus Bergman

Living: 1792 - 1867

Place of birth: Färgelanda Parish, Älvsborg County

J. M. Bergman was a Swedish physician and topographical writer. Bergman became a student in Lund in 1811, licentiate of medicine in 1816, battalion physician in the Värmland Regiment in 1817, doctor of medicine in 1819, provincial physician in the Falu district of the Great Kopparberg County in the same year, and town physician in Falun in 1820-48.

During his career Bergman became involved in topographical studies, which led to the publication in 1822 of Beskrifning om Dalarne och Stora Kopparbergs län. He also published Dalarna's history (1841), Om dalkarlarnes seder och lefnadssätt (1856) and edited the Journal for Fahlu County and City in 1839-41. He was also a successful industrialist.

The Swedish farmer and his homestead

A contribution to the history of the Swedish Ommogens