
Frösöstenen 1920 - 1929.

The Frösö Stone (J RS1928;66 $) is Sweden's northernmost and Jämtland's only now preserved rune stone.

The Frösö stone originally stood on the easternmost tip of Frösön, at Östersundet, opposite present-day Östersund. Frösön is named after the Nordic fertility god Seed, or Frej. The island is called Frösöya in the local language. It is Sweden's twenty-seventh largest island and the tenth largest of Sweden's inland islands.

"The stone was carved around the year 1050 in connection with the Christianisation of Jämtland and it is unique in that it was made in memory of the Christianisation and the bridge builder, so it was not a gravestone. The Frösö stone is the only rune stone that tells of the Christianisation of an entire country (compare with Jelling stones which speaks of the Christianization of a people). The stone has the oldest documented source about Jämtland's name, here Jamtalandso, even country." - Wikipedia

Due to the new bridge and traffic link built between 1969 and 1971, the rune stone is now located in front of the county hall about 100 metres from its original location.

Transliteration of the runic line:

austmoþ[(r)] kuþfastaʀ sun ' lit ra(i)[(s)]... ...(-)[(n)] (þ)(i)no auk| |kirua bru þisa| |auk h[on] [li](t) kristno eo(t)alont (o)sbiurn kirþi bru (t)riun rai(s)t auk (t)sain runoʀ þisaʀ[1]

Normalisation to runic:

Austmaðr, Guðfastaʀ sunn, let ræis[a stæi]n þenna ok gærva bro þessa ok han let kristna Iamtaland. Asbiorn gærði bro, Trionn ræist ok Stæinn runaʀ þessaʀ.[1]

Translation into Nusvenska:

Östman, son of Gudfast, erected this stone and made this bridge, and he made Jämtland Christian. Åsbjörn made the bridge. Tryn and Sten carved these runes.[2]

Photo: Bengt A Lundberg / Kulturmiljöbild, Riksantikvarieämbetet (CC BY)

Read more

Frösöstenen on Wikipedia
[1] Samnordic runtext database, J RS1928;66 $, 2014
[2] Magnus Källström, Were the Vikings who erected the rune stones Christian?, 2015.
Stefan Brink (1996). The crystallization of Jämtland. Henrik Williams: "Runjämtskan on Frösöstenen and Östmans bridge", p 56 Libris 7772381

Getting there

Coordinates: Latitude 63.18339138157689 | Longitude 14.618672132492065

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