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I put together a bookmark

Allmogens bookmark

I've had enough of using old bills and tax slips as bookmarks. It's too depressing. That's why I whipped up my own bookmark this weekend - Allmogens bookmark.

Let's call this bookmark version 1.0, with a bit of Moberg spirit on one side and a nice old proverb from the Swedish dictionary from 1865.

Soon to be nestled in books in a library near you? Keep an eye on the Moberg shelf and the history books.

The map is Marina charter, the earliest reasonably accurate map of Scandinavia created in 1539 by Olaus Magnus (1490-1557). There is something fascinating about seeing my little town marked on such an old map. Here is a really high resolution version. Can you see your hometown?

If you want to print your own bookmark, you can download it as PDF or PNG. I will tweak the design a bit more, and maybe change it completely, but then I will also print professional quality bookmarks that you will be able to buy here on for a modest fee as another way to support the project.

You man or woman of the commons who would like to carry out a guerrilla mission at your local library and plant a bunch of bookmarks, send an email and register your interest today! You can become an important part of the propaganda activities of the omnipresent, and of course keep some free bookmarks that are guaranteed* to be worth more than your state pension in 50 years.

OBS: Given the security situation in some Swedish libraries, Projekt Allmogen takes no responsibility for your personal safety during any library visit. It is advisable to bring some protective equipment, depending on the extent to which the library in question has departed from the norm of confidentiality.

*alternative facts, no guarantees are given. But your pension will still be worthless.

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