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The first volume of The Struggles for Freedom of the Swedish Ommogens in preparation

Scanning in progress

Share on FacebookShare on WhatsAppShare on TelegramShare on X (Twitter)Glada nyheter! Första volymen (av tre) av Svenska allmogens frihetsstrider är nu inskannad och under bearbetning på datorn. Den kommer inom kort levereras, först i PDF-format, till er som bidrog till Kickstarter-kampanjen, och sen också finnas gratis här […]

Good news! The first volume (of three) of The Freedom Struggles of the Swedish Ommogens is now scanned and being processed on the computer.

It will soon be delivered, first in PDF format, to those who contributed to the Kickstarter campaign, and then also available for free here on the website.

Here are some pictures where you can follow a page through the digitisation process.

The brain behind the scan, a Raspberry Pi 2 with touch screen running Pi Scan and controlling the two cameras.
The brain behind the scan, a Raspberry Pi 2 with touch screen running Pi Scan and controlling the two cameras.
I use the Scan Tailor program for post-processing. The first step is to adjust any twisted images. With this scanner, that is often not necessary.
I use the Scan Tailor program for post-processing. The first step is to adjust any twisted images. With this scanner, that is often not necessary.
Then mark the contents of the book for cutting. In an ideal world, the program detects this automatically, but adjustments are often required.
Then mark the contents of the book for cutting. In an ideal world, the program detects this automatically, but adjustments are often required.
Adds margins around the content
Adds margins around the content
The scanned images are then made black and white. Then you put all the pages together into a single PDF file, and run it through an OCR program to make the text searchable.
The scanned images are then made black and white. Then you put all the pages together into a single PDF file, and run it through an OCR program to make the text searchable.

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